Reducaholic story
Reducaholic started as a way to track and document the non-alcoholic beer industry. Since 2020, Tyler, the founder has been increasingly enjoying NA Beer and substituting it for alcohlic craft beer. While NA beer increasingly became available, with brands like Athletic Brewing producing quality beers that convinced me NA beer can be good, something was missing. As someone who was born and raised in Colorado, and homebrewed my way through my final semester of college, I really enjoyed the local craft beer scene. To date, this is not yet there in the NA space, but options are growing.
In early 2021, we first found a few local Colorado options, some of which continue (Tommyknocker) and others which have not for various reasons (lack of demand isn’t one). So we started tracking the data slowly. In 2022, the data became a spreadsheet, and at the end of 2022 an instagram account, Reducaholic, was started. The next year was spent learning, sharing information, and evolving the product which became this site and launched in January 2024.
The spreadsheet is now the largest map of breweries in the US who make their own NA Beer. The site will continue to evolve. It allows the user to navigate the NA Beer scene, ordering from those who sell it directly online OR bundling it from an online retailer with others. Additionally, if the brewery has their own finder, you can find their products locally. Finally, this is an information portal for NA Beer fans to “nerd out” learning about how NA beer is made, and other facts about the beverage and industry.
Why? The goal is to be able to go NA local when visiting a place, or learn when a new beer/brewery launches near you. For me, local NA craft beer means I can go enjoy the local brewery and have a drink without the effects. By featuring all the breweries who make their own and talking about the industry, topics, case studies, and more; the goal is to encourage replication. Wouldn’t it be nice if 20-40 percent of the breweries in the US made their own NA locally, while others made hop waters, and the remaining carried at least 2-3 NA beers from others?